Old East Village
Business, Property & Development Support
The Old East Village BIA is pleased to assist stakeholders in bringing vibrancy to OEV's commercial corridor. Providing support and programs, we work with small and large-scale developments and many types of business models, from sole proprietorships and corporations to worker-owned co-operatives. Current and potential business and property owners are encouraged to contact our office to discuss further.
Business Owner Support
Assistance with navigating municipal departments including Planning, Business Liaison, By-Law Enforcement, and London Police Services to resolve issues that arise
Providing numerous supports, such as assistance with customer surveying, listing businesses in print and online directories, promoting events, and media releases for businesses in the BIA area
Facilitating connections between commercial tenants looking for space and property owners who have potential space available
Property Owner Support
Making area property owners aware of the City of London Incentive Programs
Meeting with prospective Incentive Program applicants and fully explaining the program terms
Facilitating meetings with Planning Department staff and assisting with questions regarding the necessary paperwork for incentive applicants
Acquiring translation services and other supports including by-law and building code specialists
Liaising with the London Police to provide suggestions for CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design), and the City’s Business Liaison office to solve issues that arise
Connecting business owners looking for space with property owners who have potential space available
Assisting with the facilitation of large-scale infill and redevelopment projects which are beneficial to the community
Initiating and executing community meetings to ensure the developments are designed to reflect both project needs and community input
Assisting developers in working with City Hall Departments, Committees, and Council to facilitate community-supported developments.