Welcome to OEV!
Whether you want to start a new business or you're looking to relocate, Old East Village (OEV) is the place for you. The Old East Village BIA has compiled these resources to help and we encourage you to contact us to learn more.

Why Old East Village?
Walkable and vibrant 1.25km commercial corridor
Offering some of the most affordable rent in London for businesses and residents
Unique heritage and history - learn more about OEV History here
Strong residential community of approximately 3,000 households
Proximity to high-traffic entertainment facilities, shopping, and restaurants
Adjacent to one of London's few neighbourhood Historic Conservation Districts
Home to high-rise residential developments, as well as approved future sites
Categorized as a London Rapid Transit Corridor to be serviced by the East London Link
Access to plentiful parking, both street-side and in four municipal lots
... and the Support of OEV's Business Improvement​ Area!
Businesses located within BIA boundaries receive extra support from the OEV BIA in many ways. Visit our About page to learn how the BIA can help your business!