It has been a long time coming and a lot has been done behind the scenes to prepare for the upcoming Dundas Construction Phase 1 in Old East Village. Starting Monday May 4, the project will begin from Hewitt to Ontario Streets along Dundas. Below you will find some key points on what to expect along with important links for businesses moving forward.
What to expect:
Construction Phase 1 encompasses Dundas Street between English and Ontario Streets from May to November 2020
Phase 1 will be split into three sections with the first section running from English Street to (just west of) Rectory Street with the expected completion date of late summer 2020
Please see the City of London’s Construction Notice from April 21 for a full breakdown of the sections
As of May 4, 2020, two hour FREE parking begins in OEV! In Municipal Lots #1 and #7 through the Honk Mobile app.
Important information and resource links:
Please stay tuned to our #DIGOEV Resource Page for ongoing updates
Please ‘like’ and ‘follow’ our #DIGOEV Facebook Page for construction updates from the BIA, the City of London, and area business promotion
OEV Businesses, Property Owners, and Residents can sign up for the City of London Construction Email List right here!
Download the City of London’s Construction Toolkit for OEV Businesses containing construction information and important contacts for the project. Click here!
Download your Construction Contact Card containing the most important contacts at the City of London for construction related matter. Click here!
See this City of London Pre-Construction Webinar Recap to read the summary or view the webinar in full as well as access the Q&A document
Strict physical distancing measures are still in place as well as building closures due to COVID-19. Therefore, City of London Staff and the construction teams will be exercising increased caution to ensure necessary health and safety measures are in place to protect themselves and the public during construction.
As we’ve heard many times over the past month and a half, we are indeed all in this together, so if there are any questions or concerns at this time, please reach out to the OEV BIA office at 519-645-7662 or email us at info@oldeastvillage.com.