Back in April, ahead of the scheduled Dundas Infrastructure Renewal Project, Phase 1, the Old East Village BIA hired Kylie Castle in order to add additional support for businesses during construction. Although the endeavour commenced during the height of COVID-19 related restrictions, Kylie began working away remotely, connecting with businesses and OEV BIA staff via Zoom calls and over the phone.
Kylie comes to us with a background in Social Justice and Peace Studies from King’s as well as a freshly completed post-graduate certificate in Public Relations - Corporate Communications from Fanshawe College.
“I’m very excited to continue connecting with businesses in OEV to ensure their satisfaction with the supports available to them during construction,” Kylie said.
In addition to the existing supports developed by the BIA and the City of London through business feedback and consultation, Kylie’s role is focused on establishing another layer of communication and support for businesses at this time. In essence, Kylie will be a resource for all things construction while she builds relationships, offers insights, and develops additional components to the construction communications mix.
Kylie has jumped right in, starting projects and creating lines of communication that are new to the BIA. One of these include a bi-weekly OEV Newsletter (join the list right here), that’s delivered to your inbox every other Friday to complement the City of London’s Construction Newsletter (join the list right here). As well, check out our #DIGOEV Facebook Page, bookmark our website, and follow our Blog to get the latest news on all things OEV, just some items Kylie has been working actively to help build.
Moving forward, Kylie will become a well-known, friendly face along the Commercial Corridor as she works on-site with City Staff to ensure communication is clear to businesses and visitors through signage. In addition, as restrictions are lifted, Kylie will be making more in-person business visits to gather feedback, determine additional needs, and deliver communications materials such as the City of London’s Construction Contact Card, the Construction Toolkit, and information on Honk Mobile’s free parking promo.
Reach out any time to the OEV BIA by phone at 519-645-7662 or via email at info@oldeastvillage.com and for all construction-related matters. Get in touch with Kylie directly at kylie@oldeastvillage.com. Stay tuned to our #DIGOEV Resource Page for updates from the BIA and the City and be sure to 'like' #DIGOEV on Facebook for daily updates on this great neighbourhood!
We’ll see you on the Corridor soon, OEV!