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  • Writer's pictureOEV BIA

FREE 2 Hour Municipal Parking in London’s Core

As you might have already heard, the City of London is offering FREE two-hour parking using the Honk App in London’s core throughout the summer. This initiative has been created to help encourage residents to shop local and support their business areas. However, free parking in Old East Village Municipal Lots 1 and 7 for construction still applies.

Thanks to the City of London’s Back to Business Initiative funding, vehicles can now receive two hours of free parking, per day at municipal on-street parking meters and municipal lots using the promotional code ‘B2B20.” To avoid any confusion, the already existent ‘DIGOEV’ parking code can still be used in municipal lots 1 and 7 only, which was made specifically for our OEV community during construction. However, the B2B20 parking code can be used in any core area lot and on Dundas Street municipal metered parking spaces. A vehicle cannot use both codes within the same day.

So OEV, don’t forget to come out and enjoy the local businesses without having to worry about paying for parking!

If you have any questions about this specifically or any further questions regarding construction, please contact Kylie Castle at

To support London businesses in the next phase of the Province’s reopening, the City of London has established a Back to Business (B2B) action team and intake portal. The Back to Business initiative is designed to expedite the process of responding to business’ requests associated with reopening. For more information about B2B, click here.

B2B20 Promo Code for Free Core Parking:

DIGOEV Promo Code for Municipal Lot #1 and Lot #7:

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