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Multimodal Parking Supports in OEV

Writer's picture: OEV BIAOEV BIA

Businesses are open in Old East Village! Whether you walk, drive a car, or ride a bike, OEV has supports in place to make your experience that much easier and more enjoyable. Multimodal parking and accessibility is a priority in OEV, especially during construction and COVID-19. With the help of the Old East Village BIA and the City of London, OEV now has numerous supports in place for all modes of transportation during construction. Here are just some of the supports that have recently been implemented in OEV!

Businesses are Open Signs:

Supporting local businesses is crucial right now, so it’s important to remind the cars that pass through Old East Village using Queens Street that OEV businesses are open! Through combined efforts with the City of London, the Old East Village BIA requested for signage to be placed on Queens Street with the intention of directing commuters to our local businesses. The straightforward signage directs vehicular traffic to Municipal OEV parking lots that offer FREE 2 hour parking by using the code DIGOEV on the Honk Mobile App.

Installed Bike Racks and Bike Racks Signs:

With the current construction on Dundas Street, we wanted to make it easy for cyclists to comfortably lock up their bikes close to the businesses they plan on visiting. With the help of the City of London, eight single bike racks were installed just outside of the construction site on Hewitt and Ontario Street. These bike racks were installed to support businesses and cyclist traffic throughout the 2020 Dundas Street Core Infrastructure Renewal Project.

Pedestrian Navigation Signage and Midblock Crossing Installed

Lastly, we have ensured that the proper supports are in place to assist pedestrian traffic throughout the construction zone. An accessible midblock crossing has been placed between Rectory and Ontario to ensure that pedestrians are able to get to their destination without any issues. The City of London and the OEV BIA have made sure that pedestrian navigation paths are clear and accessible throughout the 2020 construction zone.

If you have any further questions, please contact us at or (519) 645-7662.

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